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Q: What does hamlet warn them not to worry about when they see him next?
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Which character cannot see the ghost Hamlet?

You cannot see the ghost hamlet

What is the tragedy of Hamlet?

The tragic force in Hamlet, according to Gustav Freytag, is when Hamlet, during an interview with his mother, kills Polonius by mistake, thinking that he is killing the king. See Freytag's Technique of the Drama, translated by Elias J. MacEwan, page 191.

Who said in your minds eye in the play Hamlet?

Hamlet: My father! Methinks I see my father! Horatio: Where, my lord? Hamlet: In my mind's eye, Horatio.

Who forbade Ophelia from continuing to see prince Hamlet?

Ophelia's father, Polonius, forbade her from continuing to see prince Hamlet.

In the opening of hamlet whom do the sentries and Horatio see?

The ghost of Hamlet's father, the former king.

Does the Ghost speak only to Hamlet and not to Marcellus and Horatio?

Yes the ghost only speaks to Hamlet. The others can see him but cannot hear him. When the ghost visits Hamlet in his mother's closet, his mother can neither see nor hear him.

What Famous play begins with who's there?

Hamlet. See

Why is Horatio interested in Hamlet?

Horatio finds Hamlet asleep in the middle of a dirt road.

What was ophelia doing when hamlet came to see her?


When did the guards see hamlet's father?

Shortly after midnight.

In Hamlet what does Polonius want to do before they send Hamlet away?

Polonius is interested in seeing whether spying on Hamlet's conversation with Gertrude will justify his theory that Hamlet is mad for love. (see the end of Act 3 Scene 1)

What if you are 33wks and already 2 centimeters dialated?

You might have the baby a bit early, but 2CM at 33 weeks is nothing to worry about. Since you're going to worry anyway, talk to your OB/GYN the next time you see her.