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It may happen to have some Islamic and Quran teaching courses and/or sermons.

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Q: What does happen in a mosque apart from praying?
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What is a mosque used for apart from praying to god?

Sermons are also held there by the Imam.

What is an adjective for mosque?

There is no adjective to mosque. Mosque is the building where Muslims go for praying.

The place which is very holy but there can not offer the prayer?

Bait-ul-Muqadas, the mosque in Israel which was once the central praying Mosque, is the place where praying is not permitted.

Is there a special way to pray in a mosque?

Muslims pray inside a mosque in congrgations just like they pray outside a mosque such as their homes on indivisual basis. Except there is a very minute difference when praying behind an imam in congregations. Rest is the very same procedure.

What is the religious life in Iran?

Hijab for women, praying, Islamic laws, economic and business sanctions from world and US. fast in one month per year. going to mosque for praying (but praying can be done in home or mosque).

Place where praying towards mecca began?

In a mosque in Medina, called Qiblatain; meaning a mosque with two qiblas.

What is one rule about praying in a mosque?

facing the direction to Kaba; in Makkah (or Mecca) in Saudi Arabia; during praying.

Is the mosque ment to be a certain size?

no it can be any size even if its a small teeny room for praying its considered as a small mosque

When is it most important to go to a mosque?

It is most important to go to mosque weekly on each Friday for Friday noon praying.

Why are there not a lot of images in a mosque?

There is not a lot of images in a mosque to maintain prayers away from distraction during praying and let them concentrate on praying and worship of Allah (or God in English and same God worshiped in Judaism and Christianity).

What directions are the mosque placed?

The mosque can be placed in any direction. However, Muslims when praying inside the mosque they should face the direction to Kaaba. This direction is marked out inside the mosque by a specific direction sign or structure.

Day of worship For islam?

Friday. ______________________________ If you mean praying by worship, then it is daily. Friday praying is a special praying to be practiced in a mosque as it includes also listening to a religious sermon.