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it has very long legs and a green or black body

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Q: What does harvestman spiders look like?
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How many legs have a harvestman got?

harvestman have 8 legs but are not spiders they are also known as daddy longlegs

Why these animals have 8 legs?

Arachnid is a animal with 8 legs, like spiders,whipscorpion,scorpion,pseudoscorpion,whipspider,solpugid, and a harvestman.

Do spiders have a complete metamorphosis?

No, spiders do not have an intermediate form that does not look like the adult, They do not go through metamorphosis. Baby spiders look just like miniature adults as soon as they hatch.

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What do wood spiders look like?

Nasty little things

How many segments does a Harvestman have?

Harvestman have 3 body segments

What do trap door spiders look like?

Traps door spiders are very complex but in lamens terms, they simply look like a trap door spider.

What is a daddy long legger?

This gets confusing because the name "daddy long-legs" is spelled a variety of ways, and is applied to different, unrelated animals. Here in the U.S., a "daddy long legs" usually means an arachnid properly called a "harvestman," in the order Opiliones. They look like spiders, but have only one body segment instead of the two that spiders have. Also, harvestmen are not venomous like most spiders are. "Daddy long legs" is also frequently misapplied to long-legged spiders properly called "cellar spiders" in the family Pholcidae. Pholcids spin webs, whereas harvestmen, which are not spiders, do not spin webs. Lastly, in the United Kingdom, "daddy long legs" usually means crane flies in the family Tipulidae. Crane flies look like enormous mosquitoes, but crane flies do not bite.

Do baby wolf spiders cause your skin to rot?

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Are there any spiders that look like mice?

No. Spiders have eight legs; mice have only four.

What can spiders look like?

things with eight legs

How do arachnids look like?

Spiders and scorpions are in that family.