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Hassan did not do anything to Assef. Assef was racist towards the fact the Hassan was a hazara and ended up raping him on the last day of the kite running tournament after Hassan had refused to give up the last kite which he had run for Amir.

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1mo ago

Hassan sacrifices himself to protect Amir from Assef by refusing to give up Amir's kite, leading to him being brutalized by Assef. Amir feels guilty about not intervening and betraying Hassan, which impacts him deeply throughout his life.

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13y ago

A rock and a slingshot.

Hassan was an expert with the slingshot, and assef knew this.

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11y ago

Hassan warns Assef that if he tries to hurt him and Amir he would strike him with his slingshot (inferring from when he says that Assef will be known as "one-eyed Assef").

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What does Hassan do to save both himself and Amir from Assef in the book The Kite Runner?

Hassan uses a slingshot to defend himself and Amir against Assef when he tries to attack them. Hassan ultimately sacrifices himself by getting severely beaten rather than giving in to Assef's threats.

What role did assef play in The Kite Runner?

Assef is a bully who torments Amir and Hassan in "The Kite Runner." He represents the epitome of evil in the story, showcasing a lack of empathy and morality. His actions have a significant impact on the lives of both Amir and Hassan.

What happened after Amir won the kite fight against the blue kite?

After Amir won the kite fight against the blue kite, Hassan ran to retrieve the losing kite for Amir. As he was running, he encountered Assef and his friends who brutally attacked and assaulted him. This event marked a turning point in the lives of both Amir and Hassan, fundamentally changing their relationship.

What are two acts of betrayal in the novel Kite Runner?

Two acts of betrayal in the novel "Kite Runner" are when Amir betrays his loyal friend Hassan by not intervening during his assault, and when Hassan's son, Sohrab, is betrayed by Assef who had once been involved in the assault on Hassan. Both acts have lasting effects on the characters and drive the plot forward.

What does amir do to get ali and hassan in trouble?

Amir frames Hassan for stealing money and a watch, knowing that Hassan will take the blame to protect him. Amir stands by and does nothing to stop it, thus indirectly getting both Ali and Hassan in trouble.

How is hassan treated in The Kite Runner?

Hassan is mistreated and discriminated against because of his Hazara ethnicity in "The Kite Runner." As a servant to the privileged Pashtun family, he experiences verbal and physical abuse from both individuals within his community and the wider society. Despite his loyal and kind-hearted nature, he is marginalized and denied basic human rights.

What is kite runner movie summary?

"The Kite Runner" movie follows the story of Amir, a wealthy Afghan man living in the United States who returns to his war-torn homeland to seek redemption for betraying his childhood friend Hassan. The film explores themes of friendship, guilt, and the impact of political turmoil on personal relationships. Through a series of flashbacks, the audience learns about Amir and Hassan's close bond and the tragic events that set them on separate paths.

Why does hassan tell amir about the dream?

Hassan tells Amir about the dream they had as kids in order to reconnect with him and possibly bridge the gap that has formed between them. It is a way for Hassan to show his loyalty and affection towards Amir, hoping to rebuild their friendship and trust.

Hod does the cliche Like father like son relate to baba and amir?

The cliche "Like father, like son" relates to Baba and Amir in that both father and son share certain character traits and behaviors. Both struggle with issues of pride, loyalty, guilt, and redemption, demonstrating similarities in their actions and choices. Despite their differences, they are connected by common themes of seeking love, approval, and acceptance.

In The Kite Runner when Amir discovers that Hassan is his half-brother his guilt?

Amir feels immense guilt and remorse upon discovering that Hassan is his half-brother, as he realizes that Baba had kept this crucial truth from him. This revelation deepens Amir's sense of betrayal towards both Hassan and Baba, and raises questions about his own privilege and cowardice in the way he treated Hassan. The revelation ultimately prompts Amir to seek redemption and make amends for his past actions.

What social issues are in The Kite Runner?

"The Kite Runner" addresses various social issues such as class differences, ethnic tensions, political instability, women's rights, and the impact of war on society. It also explores themes of betrayal, redemption, and the consequences of past actions on present relationships.

What is the function of irony in The Kite Runner?

In "The Kite Runner," irony is used to highlight the contrast between appearance and reality. It serves to emphasize the discrepancies between what a character says or does and the actual consequences of their actions. Irony also adds depth to the characters and themes by revealing the complexities and contradictions within the narrative.