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Q: What does he need to create to help him decide how much of his income needs to be used for expenses and how much he can save?
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Steven is trying to save for a new car. What does he need to create to help him decide how much of his income needs to be used for expenses and how much he can save?

He needs to set up a written budget.

What can you use to help decide how much of my income needs to be used for expenses and how much i can save?


Does the child support lower if new spouse needs support?

Generally, no. It is based on your income and not your expenses.

What methods for estimating retirement income needs assumes retirement expenses will be some fixed proportion of your preretirement needs?

The replacement ratio method assumes that retirees will need a certain percentage of their preretirement income to maintain their standard of living in retirement. Typically, 70-80% of preretirement income is suggested for this method. It is based on the assumption that some expenses may decrease in retirement, such as commuting costs, but it doesn't consider individual circumstances, like healthcare expenses or lifestyle choices.

Which of the following methods for estimating retirement income needs assumes retirement expenses will be some fixed proportion of your preretirement needs?

The replacement ratio method assumes retirement expenses will be a fixed percentage of preretirement needs, typically ranging from 70-80%. It is calculated by dividing desired retirement income by preretirement income.

Olivia needs to provide a visual summary of expenses to management. She chooses a system that shows different levels for the expenses based on filled in sections. What did she create?

bar graph

How do you get a loan after Ch7?

A loan does not have to be given by anyone, ever. There are no prohibitions on giving a loan to someone.Considerations...for you (and it certainly is for the loan officer):Need is simple, repayment isn't.He needs to have (more than enough) income to pay me back.If he is having trouble withs expenses that should be taken care of by his income are what he needs money for, a loan isn't income of any only increases expenses, and makes his situation worse.He may not have understood that the cash is entirely offset by the obligation and the income the lender makes on it is an added expense to him instead of reducing expenses when he had to before. When he went in debt before, the debt didn't produce income for the creditors and it wasn't repaid.

What is a review hearing on child support?

The judge needs to review visitation and parental income to decide if a change in CS should be made.

Four reasons why businesses are formed?

to make profit to satisfy needs to acomplish a passion to create employment and income.

Disability Insurance Needs?

Disability Insurance Needs One of the most common causes of income loss is through a disability. While most disabilities cause only temporary loss of income, any income loss can be devastating if you are not financially prepared. This calculator helps you determine how much disability insurance you may need to cover expenses during such a disability.

Which type of expenses is easiest for you to change?

If you eliminate your wants and focus on your needs, your expenses will change.

How does income limit wants?

Income usually is firstly concerned with needs, if income covers needs and leaves a surplus that can be used for wants. If income only covers needs wants become dreams.