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Q: What does heavily oxidized weld deposit mean?
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Where is the biggest deposit of chromite in the world?

The biggest deposit of chromium in the world is Bush weld igneous complex in south Africa.

How do you calculate weld deposit metal weight?

At first, the area of cross section of the weld, length of the weld, volume of the weld in cubic inches, weight of weld in cubic inches. To express in formula: Weight of Weld Metal = _ Êx ÊBase Êx ÊHeight Êx ÊLength Êx ÊWeight of Material.

What does it mean by the crown of the weld?

The crown of the weld is the material of the filler metal that projects above the surface of the parts being joined by the weld.

What does FP on a weld symbol mean?

Full penetration.

What does porosity mean in welding?

Porosity is the formation of bubbles in the weld.

Do you tig weld on dc straight or reverse polarity?

Tig is always done in straight polarity, i.e. electrode negative. reason: almost 2/3rd of the heat is generated in positive terminal of weld, in this case the base metal and the rest in the negative terminal, in this case the tungsten electrode. Also you don't want to deposit the tungsten electrode in the weld, do you?

What do you mean by seam welding where it is used?

seam welding is a process that produces a weld at the faying surfaces of two similar metals where its used depends on which metal you look to weld

What is the main difference between filler rods and electrodes?

Filler rods are used to add metal to a molten weld pool during the welding process and electrodes actually have electricity running through them to deposit metal into the weld with the exception of TIG welding where the tungsten electrode is used solely for heat.... Hope this was helpful

How close can one weld be to another weld?

Depends on what you are welding, but generaly welds can meet, or even weld on top of a weld.

Who is Theodore Weld?

Theodore Weld

Where is the Weld Public Library in Weld located?

The address of the Weld Public Library is: 25 Church Street, Weld, 04285 0120

What does TCU4a weld symbol mean?

A TCU4a weld is a Corner Jount (TC), Unlimited Thickness Full Joint Penetration (U), Single Bevel Groove (4), and (a) is the welding process.