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Q: What does hecktor swear to do with Achilles body if he dies?
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What does Hector swear to do with Achilles body if he dies?

Hector intentions as regards the body of Patroclus were to give it to the dogs

Does Hector ask Achilles to return his body to his family if he dies if so why?

Yes, he did ask Achilles to return his body, but he didn't state why, and Hector did died.

Does Hektor swear to do with Achilleus's body if he dies?

return it to Achilleus's soldiers.

What does Hektor swear to do with Achilleus's body if he dies?

Hektor swears to properly return Achilleus's body to the Greeks for burial if he dies in their duel.

Who is akihilleus?

Akihilleus is Achilles. Akihilleus is just another way of spelling Achilles, because the Greeks did not have the "letter" for "k". Achilles is a Greek hero who dies of a wound from an arrow in his heel.

Is Apollo responsible for Achilles death?

Achilles dies during the Trojan War mortally wounded by an arrow shot by paris (and guilded by apollo. so yes and no

In greek mythology who was killed by an arrow in his heel?

Paris. His hand is grazed by the poisonous arrow and he dies begging Oeone for help.

Who appoints vice president if president dies?

If the president of the United States dies in office, a judge will normally swear her or him in. This has happened on several occasions.

What does Achilles do with hector after he kills him?

Achilles cuts holes in Hector's heels, laces a girdle Ajax gave him through them and fastens Hector's body to his chariot. He drives around the city and all through the Greek camp with Hector in tow. For twelve days he abuses Hector's body, but Aphrodite and Apollo keep the body from being damaged. Eventually the gods intervene and Thetis asks her son to allow Priam to retrieve his son's body. Priam is protected by Hermes as he enters the Greek camp and Achilles, moved by a father's devotion, allows Hector to return to Priam and offers a truce of twelve days for Hector's funeral. This is the end of the Iliad.

What are facts about the battle of Troy?

Odysseus was there. Achilles was there. Troy lost. Troy got wiped off the map. Hector dies.

Who does Achilles kill before he dies?

He killed Hector before being killed by an arrow, which was guided into his heel (his weak spot) by Apollo.

Who would Achilles love the most Briseis or Deidamia?

Briseis drives the plot of the Illiad; his telling of his weakness to Polyxena is how he dies.