

What does helium have to do with a star?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Helium is formed in the core of the star (like the sun) by the nuclear fusion of hydrogen isotopes.

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Q: What does helium have to do with a star?
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Why must a star convert helium after it has converted all of its hydrogen to helium?

Helium is the star's source of energy and if it has no energy the star would die.

Is star is born when helium and oxygen combine true or false?

False. A star is born when hydrogen starts to fuse into helium.

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A "red giant" star can fuse both hydrogen (in the star's outer shells) and helium (in the core).

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Helium. As hydrogen is fused into helium.

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All stars are composed mostly of hydrogen. The star fuses hydrogen into helium. The helium cannot escape the start until the end of the star's life cycle. Thus a middle-aged, medium sized star will be comprised of hydrogen and helium. As the star ages, it may start to fuse helium at its core into carbon. At this point it will likely expand into a red giant star, and thus would no longer be yellow.

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Helium. A low mass star does not have enough mass to generate the heat needed to fuse helium.

Why would an older main sequense star be composed of a higher percentage of helium than a young main sequence star?

A star's nuclear fusion reaction converts hydrogen into helium, and generates energy through this process. A "new" star has a fairly low percentage of helium, but over the course of billions of years, it fuses the hydrogen "fuel" into helium "ash".

What element is the sun mostly made of?

well the sun gets its name by just spiningb a star so its a star . comment please

How does a a star get its energy?

converting hydrogen into helium

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Hydrogen and helium

What old-main-sequence star will be composed of a higher percentage of helium than a young main-sequene star?

All of them, that's how a star gets to be "old" ... it converts its hydrogen into helium.

What is the defeniton of main sequence star?

A star that is mainly fusing hydrogen into helium.