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Q: What does heraldry influence the way the American flag is placed and handled?
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Load placed on the muscle

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It was first placed on the Two-Cent piece in 1864

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In heraldry, yellow and white usually represent the metals, gold and silver, which are not placed side by side. Special exception is made in here because gold and silver also represent the keys of Saint Peter. Gold and Silver together appear in the Western heraldry for the Papacy and the Kingdom of Jerusalem only. It was deemed appropriate to the dignity of the Vicar of Christ and the Holy City that an exception should be made.

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The ball is placed on the 2 yard line when kicking a PAT

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American General Dwight David Eisenhower.......................

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The Bitish placed heavy taxes on the ameican colonits because they wanted to gain in the money they lost duing the American revolutionay war.

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A Thermometer's accuracy can be improved if it is placed in an area where there is not an object that touches it that can influence a temperature shift.

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