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Q: What does high eosino mean in a blood test?
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What is EOSINO?

EOSINO on a blood test stands for eosinophils. The eosinophil is a type of white blood cell which become active when you have allergic conditions and infections.

What is eosino in hematology test?

Eosinophil or eosino test is a blood test done to measure the number of white blood cells called eosinophils. This test is often ordered to check for leukemia's, but can also check allergies.

What is EOSINO in a blood test?

EOSINO = eosinophils,a type of leukocyte (white blood cell) that usually show up during some sort of allergic reaction

What is tested in hematology?

Eosinophil or eosino test is a blood test done to measure the number of white blood cells called eosinophils. This test is often ordered to check for leukemia's, but can also check Allergies.

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A high BA on a blood test means that you have high basophils levels. Typically, this is in reference to your white blood cell count.

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There is no blood test for RP, however there is a blood test called CRP (C-reactive protein). A high CRP in quantitative blood levels signifies an immune response.

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