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An oxygenated water (with a higher concentration of oxygen).

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Q: What does high oxygen in water mean?
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High oxygen content in water is an indication that?

The water can support fish

Does water provide a person with more oxygen at high altitude?

No. The human body cannot extract the oxygen from water.

Are blueberries high in oxygen content?

I don't know of any foods high in oxygen. If you mean antioxidents, then yes blueberries are high in those.

What will cause a greater amount of oxygen to dissolve in 100 g of water?

High surface area of the water The colder the water the more dissolved oxygen Running water will dissolve more oxygen

What will cause a greater amount of oxygen gas to dissolve in 100 g of water?

High surface area of the water The colder the water the more dissolved oxygen Running water will dissolve more oxygen

Are steel water oxygen gold mixture?

You mean Is Steel, Water, Oxygen, and gold which one is a component well. The only that is a mixture is water.

Is 92.8 the correct amount of oxygen found in water?

No, oxygen is not that soluble. Water contains less 1%. However, the composition of water H2O would mean with the atomic mass of hydrogen =1, oxygen = 16 and water 18 that oxygen = 16/18 = 88.9% oxygen.

Fiji water is not reliable drinking water. why?

Because it is highly acidic and has a high ORP (Oxygen Reduction Potential) meaning that when you drink it, it is reducing the oxygen in your body.

Why does metal not rust in boiled water?

Water at high temperature will have less dissolved gases including oxygen.

What is mean chemical oxygen demand-?

The mean oxygen demand is the test done to indirectly determine the amount of organic compounds present in a water sample.

From where does the oxygen liberated in photosynthesis come?

If you mean where is the oxygen released when photosynthesis has taken place then the answer is the stoma which is located under the leaf

Which is more soluble in water oxygen or carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide compared to oxygen is more soluble in water. CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic acid, H2CO3. This explains its high solubility in water.