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It usually means a period of calm sunny weather.

Sometimes, it may be calm with a cloud cover.

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Q: What does high pressure indicate about the approaching weather?
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What do high and low pressure on a barometer indicate?

In general high pressure indicates good weather and low pressure indicates storms.

Is the saying the higher the clouds the better the weather true?

High clouds indicate the dry air and high pressure of fair weather. so it is true

How are pressure measurements related to weather prediction?

Decreasing pressure indicates stormy weather. Increasing Pressure indicates better weather.

Weather map symbols H and L indicate what?

Areas of High and Low pressure.

What kind of weather do ice-o bars bring?

Isobars on a weather map indicate areas of constant pressure. They circle areas of high or low pressure. Isobars themselves do not indicate weather, but are a tool for understanding large scale weather processes as related to pressure systems. However, if the isobars are close together, wind is expected.

What does an isobar on a weather map indicate?

isobars are a measure of atmospheric pressure. variations in atmospheric pressure basically cause weather - high pressure vs low pressure, etc.

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cirrus clouds

Why does a high pressure air mass usually indicate fair weather?

Because strong Winds are always associated with Low Pressure Systems.

What does high pressure mean in weather?

it means high pressure

What are high pressure systems usually not associated with?

High pressure systems are usually not associated with changeable weather.

What kind of weather is associated with a high-pressure area?

Normally, High Pressure doesn't allow clouds to form. That means it would bring sunny weather.

What is weather like near isobars?

There is no specific "weather" description near isobars. Isobars are simply lines joining points of similar atmospheric pressure to indicate current and project future weather patterns related to pressure and therefore wind (movement of high pressure to low pressure). Therefore, a combination of the pressure the Isobar is indicating combined with other factors will determine the actual weather at that location.