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Q: What does holden do to calm his nerves when he is alone in his hotel room?
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Yes, he uses it to calm his nerves.

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Yes! While the insulin is delivering the sugar to where it is needed your body starts to calm.

Does incense calm your nerves?

It is called aroma teraphy. Aroma help sooth the tiredness of a body along with the nerves that go with it.

Which foods calm your nerves?

1. Camomeal Tea 2. Anything Containing Sam-E

How do you deal with aggressive drivers?

you act calm and leave them alone

Why do rappers smoke weed?

Rappers probably smoke weed to calm there nerves, and to get away from the harsh reality.

How do you make bees calm down?

Leave them alone and they'll do the same

Say your running for something and your nerves do you have an idea to calm your self down and speak up and win what your running for?


How can you overcome the fear of closing your eyes or being alone in the dark because of the thought of spiritual activity?

if you are in a place none for spirital activety try talking to the spirt it should calm your nerves. and to be truthfuly honest you should not fear spirts at all. if they are there they have been there and are probably there as a guardian angle.

How do pets help students?

Because they calm you down. You also will be never alone.

Why people like to smoke?

because it relaxes you and makes yiu calm when u have bad nerves or depressed or anything. its natural

How do you calm down about middle school?

Take big deep breathes of air and exhale. To calm down your nerves. Get everything ready so you feel well prepared (for school) and look you best to impress!