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Hydroelectricity is the term referring to electricity generated by hydropower; the output of electrical power through the exercise of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water.

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Q: What does hydroelectric energy come from?
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Why does most of British Columbia's electricity come from hydroelectric energy?

In British Columbia, hydroelectric energy is clean, renewable, abundant and relatively inexpensive.

Where does hydroelectric energy come from?

it comes from the sea or rivers originally.

What is hydroelectric energy or hydroelectric power?

hydroelectric energy is energy that comes from water

Does hydroelectric energy come from the sun?

Technically, hydroelectric energy ultimately comes from the sun. This is because the sun's energy heats up water, moving water through the water cycle. Hydroelectric energy is generated by harnessing the power created by the movement of this water.

Where does hydroelectric power energy come from?

it comes from the sea or rivers originally.

What are the differences between geothermal and hydroelectric?

Geothermal comes from the energy of the earth, hydroelectric come from the energy of flowing water. Imagine a natural occurring hot springs. This is an example of geothermal. An example for hydroelectric is a water mill.

Amount of hydroelectric energy is available?

amount of hydroelectric energy is available

What city runs on hydroelectric energy?

What city runs on Hydroelectric energy?

How is hydroelectric energy recovered?

hydroelectric energy is found in the earth core

What is Hydroelectric power?

Moving water can be used to generate electricity in hydroelectric power stations.

What industries rely on hydroelectric energy?

Since hydroelectric energy supplies electricity, any industry that uses electricity from a hydroelectric plant relies on this energy.

Why is hydroelectric source of energy better than fuels for generating electrical energy?

hydroelectric energy is free to the fuel fossil