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Q: What does i am in blood stepped in should i wade no more returning were as tedious as going o'er?
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Who said you are in blood in Macbeth?

"We are so steeped in blood that going back were as tedious as going forth..." I am mangling the quote a bit, but Macbeth says it referring to the fact that he has committed so many blood crimes that committing more is inevitable, that they can't go back and undo their violence. The real quotation is: "I am in blood Stepp'd in so far that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er" The mangled paraphrase is actually not too bad.

What does Macbeth mean when he says I am in blood stepped in so far that you should wade no more returning were as tedious as go o'er?

It means that because he has already murdered and created despair going back would be so pointless because he would always have the reminder so he may as well carry on as he is because alll is ending anyway.

What quotes show indirect characterization in the tragedy of Macbeth?

One example of indirect characterization in "Macbeth" is when Lady Macbeth says, "Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it." This quote reveals Lady Macbeth's cunning and manipulative nature. Another example is when Macbeth says, "I am in blood, stepped in so far that should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o'er." This quote shows Macbeth's guilt and the point of no return he has reached in his ruthless ambition.

Is Systolic blood pressure related to blood returning to your heart?


What is the the heart chambers that collect blood returning to the heart called?

Blood returning from pulmonary circulation returns to the right atrium via the pulmonary vein. Blood returning from the systemic circulation returns to the right atrium via the Vena Cava.

Is the Heart chamber is the first to receive blood returning to the heart from the lungs?

The left atrium is the chamber that receives oxygenated blood returning from the lungs.

Where do the blood returning to heart travel in?


What fills with blood returning from the body?

The veins.

Blood returning from the body (systemic circulation) enters which chamber of the heart?

Blood returning from the body systemic circulation first enters which chamber of the heart?

Who was cast in There Will Be Blood before Paul Dano stepped in?

Kel O'Neill

Is the blood symbolic?

"Blood" is a recurring image throughout the play Macbeth. Shakespeare frequently used a particular image repeatedly in the same play (see the use of the word "star" in Romeo and Juliet). The blood is sometimes real (as is Duncan's blood on the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Macbeth or on the face of the first murderer) or imaginary (as in Lady Macbeth's dream) or purely symbolic (as in the spirit who is a "bloody child", or the blood into which Macbeth he has stepped so far that to return were as tedious as go o'er, or the blood of Macduff's family with which Macbeth says his soul is charged.

Blood returning to the lungs is high in?

Carbon dioxide