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Q: What does implications of humanity mean in the novels Brave New World - Lord of the Flies and 1984?
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What is Ralphs reaction when he encounters the Lord of the Flies?

Ralph is horrified and overwhelmed when he encounters the Lord of the Flies. He is disturbed by the talking pig's head and the evil message it conveys about the darkness within humanity. Ralph feels a deep sense of fear and desperation as he grapples with the implications of the encounter.

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"Be Brave" by Strange Boys

Is Simon from Lord of the Flies brave?

Simon is portrayed as brave in "Lord of the Flies." Despite being a shy and introverted character, he shows courage by exploring the mountain alone to discover the truth about the beast. He also faces the other boys' hostility and chooses to confront the Lord of the Flies in a moment of intense fear.

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Usually, it flies away. Some birds are brave, and stay where they are.

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How might dystopian novels inform readers about contemporary society and the adult world Specifically Lord of the Flies?

"Dystopian novels like Lord of the Flies can provide insight into the darker aspects of human nature and society, exploring themes of power dynamics, civilization, and morality. By depicting extreme scenarios, these novels can serve as cautionary tales and prompt readers to reflect on the potential consequences of societal breakdown and corruption."

Why should you feel bad about Simon in Lord of the Flies?

Simon was a pure, good-hearted character who just wanted to help others. He was brave, and passionate. He was the "Christ Figure" in Lord of the Flies. But he was murdered.

Why does percival repeat his name and address all the time in lord of the flies?

Percival repeats his name all the time in Lord of the Flies because it is the only thing that he has to remind himself of who he is and from where he came. It is his only tie to humanity.

What happens to the boy in Iord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, the character Simon is mistaken for the "beast" and is killed by the other boys while trying to communicate with them. His death symbolizes the breakdown of reason and humanity on the island.

Which would be an acceceptable thesis statement for a thematic analysis?

in the lord of flies, William Golding shows that social constraints prevent humanity from descending into chaos

Which character speaks to the Lord of the Flies?

The character who speaks to the Lord of the Flies is Simon. He has a hallucinatory encounter with the severed pig's head, which is referred to as the Lord of the Flies, and it symbolizes the evil and darkness within humanity.