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They are all metal elements, specifically transition metals.

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Q: What does iron gold and mercury have in common?
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Is Mercury made of nickel?

Mercury is an element itself, like nickel, gold, iron etc.

What are the four metals?

Four metals are: iron, gold, uranium, mercury.

What features does sodium potassium silver iron tungsten mercury tin gold lead and antimony have in common?

The letter on the periodic table is not the first letter of their name. Sodium - Na Potassium - K Silver - Ag Iron - Fe Tungste - W Mercury - Hg Tin-Sn Gold - Au Lead - Pb Antimony

What are five solids that change into liquids?

Mercury, Iron, gold, silver, platinum and Zic are the most common but practically any metal will melt into a liquid at the right temperature. Mercury for example is liquid at room temperature.

Which metals are found naturally or native?

Gold, silver,copper, iron and mercury

What do iron and mercury have different?

Iron and Mercury as well as tin, copper, gold, silver and others are different with their name to the symbols because symbols are based off their latin names Iron - Ferr Mercury - Hydrargyrum Tin- Stann Copper- Cupr Silver - Argent Gold - Auro

What common liquid can you use to test gold?


Why is gold more expensive than iron?

gold is more expensive than iron simply because iron is more common and gold is also a purer metal

What is the common name for iron sulfide?

Fool's Gold

What do gold iron aluminum have in common?

they all are something.

What is the common nickname for iron pyrite?

Iron pyrite is universally known as "Fools Gold". It does bear an astonishing resemblance to gold, but it is merely a sulfide of iron, nonetheless.

What is a common name for pyrite?

One of the most commonly known forms of iron sulfide is iron pyrite. Another common name for this compound is fool's gold.