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Q: What does iron ore and lodestone look like?
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Is lodestone the same as iron ore?

No. Iron Ore is a igneous rock that has various amounts of iron spread through it. Lodestones are composted of a mineral called magnetite, which is not an iron ore.

Magnetic iron ore once used as a primitive compass?


What was the first magnetic material discovered?

Lodestone or magnetite, a naturally magnetic iron ore.

What are natural magnet?

Natural Magnet The lodestone is a species of iron ore which has the property of attracting iron and some of its ores. When freely suspended it always points to the poles.

What do the ores of magnets consist of?

The ores of magnets consist of various elements and substances. The main components are iron ore, lodestone, magnetite and much more.

What does minecraft iron look like?

when you see an ore that kinda looks like "brown" but the rest is gray, than you found iron ore. cook it and the ingot version looks like a silver. The ore is hard to describe, so go on minecraft wiki to check.

What does iron look like in minecraft?

Iron ore looks like a stone block with tan dots in it. You can't get it unless you mine it with a stone pickaxe or higher but it won't work if you try to mine it with a wooden pickaxe. Then you melt the iron ore in a furnace to get iron ingot which you can craft with.

What is another name for magnetite?

The mineral magnetite is also known as lodestone, a name also used for pieces of the ore that are natural magnets. Magnetite consists of iron (II,III) oxide with the formula Fe3O4.

Why are lodestones magnetic and limestones rocks are not?

A lodestone is a magnetized piece of rock. They are made of made of magnetite, a type of iron ore. For a piece of magnetite to be magnetic, it must be exposed to a magnetic field.

What is the ore of iron?

iron ore

What does iron ore feel like?


What is an unrefined mineral?

iron ore iron ore