

What does it feel like giving birth?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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12y ago

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One lady told me that it felt like being constipated with a watermelon.

I've watched more than a thousand births and they range from almost nothing to being truly unbearable ... so it depends a lot on who you ask.

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12y ago
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2w ago

Giving birth can be a range of experiences for women. It often involves intense physical sensations such as contractions and pressure as the baby moves through the birth canal. Emotionally, it can be overwhelming, exhausting, but also empowering as women bring new life into the world.

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12y ago

Personally, being a man and of the male persuasion, I have no chance of ever

being able to describe that experience. But I don't intend to let that stop me.

I will share the benefit of a couple of comparisons that I have heard, in hopes

that the telling of them might be all the answer you need or want.

#1). I have heard it stated several times by several authorities that the worst pain

a man can feel, and the only one in a league with childbirth, is the pain of a kidney

stone. Having survived that memorable experience roughly 30 times, I can tell you

that childbirth is apparently a roughly equally memorable character-builder.

#2). Phyllis Diller used to describe childbirth as follows: With your fingers, grab

ahold of your lower lip. Firmly pull it slightly forward and up, so that it overlaps

your upper lip. After a slight pause, continue to pull it up further, so that it overlaps

your nose. And then keep it going in a slow and steady motion, up past your eyes,

over the top of your head, and down the back of your head to the nape of your

neck ... and then you have a close idea of the feeling of childbirth.

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