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If everyone concerned is happy and agreeable, then it feels rather good, from all accounts.

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Q: What does it feel like to stick your penis in a vagina?
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What does the penis feel like in your vagina?

It feels amazing it massages your inner side of you to make you feel free and warm

What does a penis feel like when it is inserted into a girls vagina?

each man is different and no one can feel the same way you do

What does it feel like when your penis enters a vagina?

it feels so good but if you're not used to it it will be painful

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she likes to shop at walmart and walgreens and she lovesss to let guys stick their penis up her vagina

What does it feel like putting your penis in a vagina?

Imagine something warm, wet and softer than skin pressing tight against your penis, embracing it from all directions.

What does it feel like to have your penis in a vagina?

If feels amazing.

What ARE genitles?

Genitals are like a penis or a vagina

What does it feel like when a penis enters a vagina?

It feels like ice cream on a warm sunny summer day, but if you're gay or lesbian then I don't know.

What is it like to insert penis into vagina?

In short, amazing ;)

What is sex like for girls?

Pleasurable. You feel like you want more. When i did it, i could actually feel his penis rubbing up and down my vagina. Then he started tickling with his hands and licking me there and ohhhhhh! Its actually like when u put in a tampon, but just a lot sexier because you know you have the genitals of the opposite sex caressing your vagina. It can also be a bit gross if you are watching his penis go in and out, but just keep yourself occupied and it will feel so good.

Should you put the penis in the vagina during a girl's period or after?

After a girls period! Unless you like to have bloody vagina lining on your penis during sex.

How do you know if you have ejaculated in a girl?

Yes, because when you ejaculate you soak the vaginal walls in ejaculate. You're still moving your penis around in there so the ejaculate in the vagina gets on your penis as well as the vagina.