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Q: What does it feel like when the black dots with ringworm move into the scalp?
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What are the limitations to ringworm on the scalp?

I do know the limitations to ringworm on the scalp, but i don't feel like telling you because I don't like you or your mum.

What does 3 black dots mean?

I don't know but all i feel like doing is connecting those dots!! (:

What is the hair nearest to the scalp?

When it is almost to the scalp..It may feel bald around there tho :)

How does Louis Braille invent braille work?

it works by dots u can feel them u have to memorize the dots to read it but it works by having dots u feel them

What are that small black squares called that surround a chart when selected?

the cell is called the active cell<--------------- false. that is used for spreadsheets. the question is asking what the little dots are, not what a black outlined cell is? options a. black dots b.handles c.knobs d.marching arts dont u feel smart?

What is the braille method?

braille writing is with dots so blind people can feel the dots

Scabs on your scalp that hurt?

Your scalp may sometimes get very dry,when this occurs it becomes itchy and with a scratch it may feel good but you may be cutting your scalp with out any pain,thus causing your scalp to have scaps...

When hair dyeing and you have a reaction such as throbbing on scalp is there a remedy?

Does it feel hot or itchy? It may be because dying your hair will dry out your scalp. If that is your case try doing some deep conditioning such has coconut oil on your scalp.

Is An itchy Scalp A Sign Of Pregnancy?

I have had a madly itchy scalp for the last 6 weeks and I am up to week 12 week of my pregnancy. I feel like pulling my hair out... I suggest get a pregnancy test quick!

How do disabled people communicate?

disabled people communicate with sign language, and they read and feel the dots.

What do lice like?

they like to suck human blood from the (scalp) head. When they bite and suck the blood, you feel itchy.

What part of the brain helps you read braille?

The fingers send a message to the brain the way they feel the dots.