

What does it go up to for Santa to give you presants?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What does it go up to for Santa to give you presants?
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Did your parents make up Santa Claus?

yes cause i found presants that said santa bought it but it was in my moms secret closet and i found it, but santa might have connections with your parents and they keep the presents in the house but santa will take the presents and put them under the tree on Christmas eve.

Where do presants at cristmas come from?

Well your parents buy them and when they wrap it up with Christmas paper, when the room is clear or everyone in your house is asleep then Santa will click his fingers and the presents will be sent to him by magic and Santa keeps it till Christmas eve because when he comes to your house when everyone is fast asleep and the house is lovely and quiet Santa will come and give you your Christmas presents of your parents but any of people in your family or friends they do not get sent of to Santa your parents keep them and they will put them somewhere in your house and Santa will see to them and Santa will fill your stockings if you have 1 and fill them with sweets and chocolates and they are the one that Santa has gave you and might give you a present under neath your stocking depends on how good you have been x

How fast doe santa go to give presents to all the children in the world?

Well its time you learn that Santa is not real. It is just your parents. Dont believe me type in Wikipedia Is santa real. Come up as fictional character. Fictonal is fake! GROW UP

Where did the 3 kings come from that brought presants?

On January 6 and when you wake up thell be presents whith your shoe

Where does Santa go after Christmas?

Santa ends up in the North Pole, that's where all his Elves are waiting along with Mrs. Santa for his safe return. Then, Santa will give all his Elves and Mrs. Clause some special gifts.

What does Santa do when a child is still up?

Santa won't visit until children go to sleep!

How do you get to prove to your friends santa claus is real so what are some ways to see santa putting presants under the tree?

Well this is tough but you can try putting a hidden camera in the room your Christmas tree is, OR, you can try to sneak up and see him but he has magic powers so I don't know if these will work. But if you really want to know try tieing your parents wrists to yours on Christmas eve night!!!

Is presents from Santa from your parents?

Santa of course!Santa of course!Santa of course!Santa of course!Santa of course!Santa of course!

Should Olivia stay up Christmas Eve to see if Santa is real?

She should not because if she does santa wont come or wont give her presents

How does santa go up the chimneyy?

He places his finger aside of his nose, and up he goes (it's magic).

How do you find the Santa challenges Xfinity driver commercial?

Go to and look it up under "commercial for Santa vs. Xfinity driver."

Why do you go to bed on Christmas eve?

you have to go to bed, otherwise Santa will not visit if he catches you still being up!