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You should go to your doctor or clinic, for a check up!

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Q: What does it me if your spotting brown blood with back pain?
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You have the IUD in an had a period but you been having back pains n spotting brown are you pregnant?

Take a pregnancy test to find out. Back pain is not the chief symptom of pregnancy, and brown spotting can be normal with the IUD.

What does brown spotting and pain mean after your period?

It is probably because you are ovulating (releasing an egg) Lots of people get pain and brown spotting during ovulation, which occurs shortly after your period

What does it mean when you are spotting brown blood and have lower back pain?

This may be brought on buy ovulation and an increase in such things such as progesterone promoting the concentration of melanin in areas of the back, and the ovulation could possibly contribute to lower back pain.

What is the first thing to see when you get miscarriage?

If you notice brown, red, or pink spotting and/or abdominal or low back pain call your doctor immediately as this can be a first sign of miscarriage.

Uti blood spotting light period back ache or kidney ache?

Kidney infection. Painful urination, cloudy urine, pain around waistline, blood in urine. Definitely a kidney infection.

What is the reason for back and abdominal pain 9 days before periods but no spotting?

Ovulation or PMS.

You are 9 weeks pregnant and started Cramping and spotting should you go to the er?

It all depends on your color of blood and level of pain in cramping. If your spotting is pink or brown-ish... they say it is not as big of a problem as dark red and/or heavy bleeding. I read that the embryo implants deeper during the 9th week and sometimes causes spotting and cramping. But either way, go with your intuition... ER or not!

What can it mean when you begin ur period with brownish stains it had never happend to me before and we never use protection in intercourselately I've been feeling tiredheadaches and back pain thanks?

Sometimes periods do begin with brown blood. If your period was normal flow for you then it means nothing except that it started with old blood. If your period was very light or spotting then you need to perform a pregnancy test in 2-3 weeks.

What is the color of blood after a miscarriage?

* The most common and clear symptom of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding associated with or without pain. The blood color can range from brown to bright red and could be accompanied by cramps. Bleeding could be in the form of mild spotting, persistent bleeding, heavy bleeding and passage of large clots.

How much blood and how red is implantation blood and how soon does it happen then after implantation is it normal to experience some bearable pain?

Only approximately 1 in 3 women experience "implantation bleeding", which is no more than light spotting. There should be no pain involved since the implantation of the fertilized egg is in the accumulated blood lining in the uterus which has no nerves.

Is back pain and spotting and clear stuff a sign of pregnancy?

No. Sounds like PMS. What day of your cycle are you in? If you are around day 14-28 most likely it is PMS. Stay off the sugar, junk food, and coffee it will help with the bloating and back pain.

Why are there blood clots passing when someone goes pee and has servere back pain?

if your sure the blood is from your urine, it could be a kidney stone trying to pass through which i hear is very painfull for most. Especially if the back pain is on one side of your back.