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Well, it seems that he believes in love at first sight, at least that's how I interpret this. You could choose to let him shoo off or allow yourself to see what he's like, experiment etc., not doing something bad, no. I'm talking about seeing what kind of person he is. Who knows, it could turn into something great afterwards.

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12y ago

He likes you girl or thinks you gorgeous :)

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Perhaps he was admiring your beauty..and possibly wants to be more than friends..maybe

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12y ago

ever herd of love at first sight? well he might of just saw the women of his dreams....all you can do is communicate

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Q: What does it mean after the second this man saw me his pupils dilated and his face lit up He just kept looking at me and smiling really big?
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Can you go ice skating with dilated pupils?

I really doubt that there is anyone examining the size of your pupils before allowing you to step onto the ice. If you were ice skating at night, you would have naturally dilated pupils. So yes, you can skate with dilated pupils.

Does your PUPILS dilate on cocaine?

yes, i have really big pupils but im not on drugs. but if someone's pupils are dilated and dont shrink when you shine a light in their eyes their probably on drugs

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It really depends on the drug to be honest. Weed - Extremely happy, relaxed, red eyes, dilated pupils, etc. Harder drugs usually make the user extremely paranoid, skinny, sick looking, rude, ruthless, unrational, greedy, etc. It all really depends on the drug though. Hope that helps.

What is the physical effects of hashish?

Dilated pupils, redness in the eyes, dry mouth, craving for food, and sleepiness caused by lower oxygen levels in the blood. Sounds unpleasent, but it's really not that bad. Can be rather pleasent, acually.

What does it mean when a man pretends not to look at you but his friend is smiling at you?

It means he likes you.. or your just really funny looking or something lol hope I helped!!

How does pupil dilation effect vision?

When your pupils dilate it usually means that you are in a dark place. This is because when our eyes are exposed to the dark, they try and let in as much light as possible. In the ight our bodies try and protect our eyes so our pupils become very small allowing just enough light in. If your pupils are dilated, then you probably cannot see because you are obviously in a a dark space.

What does restricted pupils mean?

Its when your pupils get really small like when light hits it

What does it mean if a guy is looking in your eyes and hes smiling at you?

It means that he likes you but doesnt know what to do... he probally thinks that you are about to say something or do something that yall may like. lol, like a kiss or a ask out on a date kind of thing.

Can you tell if a girl loves you by looking at their eyes?

Not really. You can't tell if she loves you. However, if her pupils are very large when she looks at you, she is almost certainly attracted to you

Is the sympathetic or parasympathetic involved in pupillary response?

the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is a very important part of the autonomic nervous system. the SNS is well known for its role in the fight-or-flight response in the body. among the effects it has are: bronchodilation, increased heart rate, increased metabolism and dilated (increased diameter) pupils. the reason why pupils become dilated during SNS activity is because dilated pupils allow more light to enter the eye and it also increases the visual field - remember this is a fight-or-flight response, our responses to perceived threats are heightened and our senses are really alert.the parasympathetic system on the other hand functions in time of rest and digestion. the PNS is therefore most active during our relaxed states.sympathetic.

Do pupils really dialate when you look at someone you love?

It has been noticed that when you are looking at someone who is of interest to you that your pupils expand. However, this behavior applies to both people whom you find pleasing, and people that you dislike.

Can taking Celexa make your pupils small?

I noticed that my husband's pupils are really small on celexa too.