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Q: What does it mean for a ship to founder?
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What is a sentence that uses word founder?

That sinking ship will founder on the rocks. Our company's founder would like to say a few words.

How did the founder of Roanoke island get to Roanoke island?

By ship.

Who is ship founder?

hazrat Noh (alih salam )

How do you use the word founder in a sentence?

Sailors have to avoid rocks otherwise the ship may founder. Bill Gates is considered the founder of Microsoft

What is a sentence for the word founder?

Founder can be a noun or a verb. Noun: "Louis Pasteur is sometimes considered the founder of modern medicine." Verb: "We were far from shore, and the ship had begun to founder."

What part of speech is the word founder?

Founder can be either a verb or a noun. Founder as a verb is to sink, as a ship founders, or to stumble or go lame, as a horse founders. Founder as a noun is a person who establishes or begins something, as the founder of a university or the founder of a nation.

Who is Sir Humphrey Gilbert?

He was the founder of Newfoundland and is considered to be the founder of the British Empire. His ship was lost at sea on 9 September 1583 with all hands.

What is the root word of founder?

If you mean flounder, it means to act in a clumsy manner. Typically used to describe a ship that has lost power and is being tossed about on the ocean.To founder, on the other hand, means to sink. It is also used to describe a ship which was formerly on an ocean. "It foundered on the rocks" means it hit the rocks and sank.

Who is the founder of kazakhstan?

What do you mean by founder, if you mean who discovered Kazakhstan then it was a long ago before Christ and if you mean who made Kazakhstan then there are Kerei and Zhanibek

Who is the founder of selfphone?

Did you mean the callphone? The founder of the cell phone was Martin Cooper.

Who is the leader of the Sikh?

The founder of The Sikhism is Guru Nanak Dev Ji.So you know the founder if that's what you mean but if you mean god then we refer to him as Waheguru.Guru nanak is the founder of the Sikh religion.

What is a ship stow?

Do you mean the "ship's store"?