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Q: What does it mean for your pledge class to be called Alpha Gamma?
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What drug class is gabapentin in?

Gabapentin (neurotonin) is in a drug class called anticonvulsants.

How gamma are members of the exponential family prove?

Think you've got this backwards. The exponential probability distribution is a gamma probability distribution only when the first parameter, k is set to 1. Consistent with the link below, if random variable X is distributed gamma(k,theta), then for gamma(1, theta), the random variable is distributed exponentially. The gamma function in the denominator is equal to 1 when k=1. The denominator will reduce to theta when k = 1. The first term will be X0 = 1. using t to represent theta, we have f(x,t) = 1/t*exp(-x/t) or we can substitute L = 1/t, and write an equivalent function: f(x;L) = L*exp(-L*x) for x > 0 See: [edit] To the untrained eye the question might seem backwards after a quick google search, yet qouting wikipedia lacks deeper insight in to the question: What the question is referring to is a class of functions that factor into the following form: f(y;theta) = s(y)t(theta)exp[a(y)b(theta)] = exp[a(y)b(theta) + c(theta) + d(y)] where a(y), d(y) are functions only reliant on y and where b(theta) and c(theta) are answers only reliant on theta, an unkown parameter. if a(y) = y, the distribution is said to be in "canonical form" and b(theta) is often called the "natural parameter" So taking the gamma density function, where alpha is a known shape parameter and the parameter of interest is beta, the scale parameter. The density function follows as: f(y;beta) = {(beta^alpha)*[y^(alpha - 1)]*exp[-y*beta]}/gamma(alpha) where gamma(alpha) is defined as (alpha - 1)! Hence the gamma-density can be factored as follows: f(y;beta) = {(beta^alpha)*[y^(alpha - 1)]*exp[-y*beta]}/gamma(alpha) =exp[alpha*log(beta) + (alpha-1)*log(y) - y*beta - log[gamma(alpha)] from the above expression, the canonical form follows if: a(y) = y b(theta) = -beta c(theta) = alpha*log(beta) d(y) = (alpha - 1)*log(y) - log[gamma(alpha)] which is sufficient to prove that gamma distributions are part of the exponential family.

What are stars that are similar to the sun called?

Stars similar to our Sun have a stellar class of G2V - Alpha Centauri A has the same class as our Sun

Do fibroblast cells produce interferon-gamma?

Fibroblast cells do produce interferon-gamma. IFNy is a member interferon type II class. Earlier on, IFNy was called as the immune interferon.

What does the alpha ape mean?

Alpha Phi Alpha has incorporated rituals and symbolism from ancient Egyptian civilization. In ancient Egypt, the upper class trained their pet apes to serve at meals. In the APA pledge process, the pledges serve the fraternity members. The pledges cannot communicate in English (or any other language), but only can gesture and make ape sounds.

What class is escherichia coli in?

the class Escherichia coli's in is gamma proteobacteria.

How do you get alpha pirate class in adventure quest worlds?

it was in alpha or beta

What is a wolf's call?

A male wolf is called a dogwhat are wovles male nameDepends on the class, alpha, beta, and omega.

What is a male wolf call?

A male wolf is called a dogwhat are wovles male nameDepends on the class, alpha, beta, and omega.

What type of star is alpha pavonis?

Alpha Pavonis (Alpha Pav) is a class "B" blue-white binary star.