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if u know the person its probably because you like them in some sort of way... it could also be that mayb something about them attracts you or you went to bed thinking about them... if you dont know them then well... its a fantasy.

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Q: What does it mean getting married to someone else that's not your partner in a dream?
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Dream someone else is getting married?

Something good will happen in your life soon.

What does it mean if someone warns you about your partner in their dream?

Someone else's dream is not about you at all, but about that dreamer. If someone says something about you in THEIR dream, "you" represent that other person in their own dream. On the other hand, if you dream that someone warns you about your partner, that is quite different and you should pay attention to your own dream. In this case, the "someone" in your dream represents your own mind which is trying to get you to recognize that your partner is not as wonderful as you would like to believe.

What does it mean to dream someone is getting out of jail?

had a dream someone was getting out of jail

What if you dream that im getting married to someone else?

Without more information about the dream itself, a reliable interpretation is difficult. Assuming that the person asking the question is engaged to be married, and had a dream of being married to someone else, it is possible that the dream suggests concern that one does not know the fiance well enough. The dreamer might have suppressed fears that the fiance will not turn out to be the person he/she appears to be.

What is the meaning of dream where I am getting married to my partner but at the last minute we don't?

That sounds like you may have some reservations about the wedding. Or, you may subconsciously think that your partner has some. It's probably best to talk it over with your fiance.

When you dream you see yourself getting married does it come true?

No, dreams do not "come true" in the way the question suggests. Seeing yourself getting married in a dream is an expression of your wish; you want very much to get married, so your subconscious mind creates a dream in which you experience what you desire. The dream does not predict the future.

I had a dream that my best friend was getting married and we were planning the wedding?

Having a dream that your best friend is getting married and you get to plan the wedding is a good dream. It probably doesn't mean anything, but it is nice to have good dreams instead of nightmares.

Will you marry me Robert Pattinson?

No, get over that dream because he is getting married.

Are Chirstinia Millian and The Dream getting married?

yes they are, and christinia millian is pregnant by him.

What does it mean to dream of someone else getting arrested?

Your dreams are always about your own life. So the "someone" in this dream represents yourself, and the dream is about your own guilt or anxiety.

What does it mean when someone else dreams you are getting married?

Dreams are about the dreamer. So in this dream, "you" appear as a symbolic figure representing the dreamer's own self. The dream is not about "you" but about the person having the dream. Marriage is also a metaphor, often representing a public commitment, decision or contract.

What does it mean when you dream about someone getting you a hickey?

If you dream of getting or giving a hickey, you are living dangerously and your reputation could be at stake. Slow down! This dream suggests that the dreamer feels "marked" because of having gotten close to someone.