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Necrophilia (necro meaning dead or corpse) is the act of sex with a dead body. It is considered a fetish much as a person is excited by shoes or dressing in particular ways for sexual gratification. There are two basic groups of necrophiles. The first finds bodies in funeral homes and mortuaries. The second is much more dangerous. Some serial killers are necrophiles, they kill their victims and have sex with the dead bodies. Some well-known serial killers that had sex with the bodies are Ted Bundy and The Green River Killer Gary Leon Ridgeway. Many times these killers will return to the bodies long after decomposition has set in.

As in the case of serial killer Ed Gein from Plainfield, WI, who began his necrophilia with robbing the local cemetery. Then he began killing. Making himself a suit made of his victim's skin, which he would wear around his remote farmhouse, where he lived a reclusive life after the death of his parents and brother.

Needless to say, sex with a dead body is illegal, no matter the circumstances.

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