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she is a lonely cougar who wants you bad.

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Q: What does it mean if a female computer programming college professor blushes dark red with only you if you are a guy if she already has a husband?
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What does it mean if your former programming professor blushes dark red and giggles with only you?

I would drop out of that class and tell s friend or a parent

What does it mean if your former female programming professor blushes dark red and giggles with only you?

Well it means what you're most likely thinking. Either run away in terror or kill her. I suggest the first option.

What does it mean if a female computer science professor blushes dark red with only you if you are a guy?

She might want you to check out her "server". But you might have to use an "anti-virus" first...or a "fire wall"

What does it mean when a young female professor always blushes with only you if you are a 21 year old college guy?

She likes you.

What does it mean if a female computer programming college professor blushes dark red with only you if you are a guy?

Well then that means she likes you, if the question you are asking applies to you. All girls blush when they are around guys they like and we tend to get really nervous. There is no such thing as a girl who doesn't blush around the guy they like. Maybe, another little hint is that when she comes and helps you she gets closer than usual, eh? So yes, she fancies you.

What does it mean when a girl professor blushes with just you?

She might like you :) if you are the only one she does that with, she muust like you...but if it is always with everyone, she just using you.

What does it mean when a female professor in her late 20s blushes with you while asking you if you are ok if you are a male college student?

You're a Uni student mate, you figure it out.

What does it mean if your former girl professor blushes dark red with only you and doesn't mind you touching her?

That they like diggs u an um ur in trouble O___O

What does it mean if your former programming teacher blushes dark red and giggles with only you?

There is a possibility, that they are a pedo-bear. Weather they are Male or Female. Watch out. Unless you like older people/teachers.

What part of the body blushes?

the part of the body that blushes are cheaks legs and arms

What kind of dog blushes?

The Pharaoh hound dog.

What does it mean if a female university professor blushes dark red with only one university student if he gets good grades in all of her assignments and tests?

Maybe she has a small crush on him but can't show it.