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Q: What does it mean if a fish is upside down in your pond?
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Related questions

How big do fishes get?

depends wich kind of fish you mean. pond fish or sea fish.

What does it mean to find a koi fish in your yard when you do not have a pond?

A bird grabbed a fish from a pond nearby and flew over your yard and dropped it. Probably a heron.

In harvest moon more friends of mineral town how do you get fish in the fish pond?

To Put A Fish in the Pond: You hold a fish standing next to the fish pond, then press A to drop the fish in the pond To Take a Fish out of the Pond: Stand in front of the brown sign at the pond. Press A and it will ask you what fish you want. Select the fish and you will be holding it.

How aquatic life is possible in frozen pond?

Aquatic life is possible in a frozen pond because only the top of the pond is frozen. The fish live down at the pond bottom, where it is warmer than the top.

What does koi swimming in a circle mean?

I have 7 Koi fish in a pond, 1 of the fish constanly stays on the surface and swims in circles. what does this mean

Where can someone purchase pond fish?

There are many places to purchase pond fish. A local home improvement or garden store will be the easiest place to find pond fish. Also online retailers will offer pond fish.

Can a fish leave the pond?

If the pond is not deep, the fish can leave the pond. It is important to take good care of them or they will be tempted to leave.

Where can you fish for fish?

in a lake/pond

How do you take care of a fish from a pond?

That depends on the species and size of the fish and the pond it came from.

What role does a duck play in ecology?

A duck keeps down the population of pond and river fish. FISH --> DUCK --> FOX Hope this helped!

Is abound transitive or intransitive?

Intransitive, because it can't take a direct object. In the pond, fish abound. Fish (subject) abound (verb). The pond abounds with fish. Pond (subject) abounds (verb) with fish (prepositional phrase). But never this: The pond abounds fish. Pond (subject) abounds (verb) fish (direct object). That last construction doesn't exist.

A fish pond is in the shape of a circle with a diameter of 18 feet. What is the area of the fish pond?

Area of fish pond: pi*9^2 = 81*pi square feet