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He's not sure if he wants a commited relationship.

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Q: What does it mean if a guy says maybe when school starts youll go out because its summer?
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maybe during summer because that's when pollenation usually starts. maybe during summer because that's when pollenation usually starts.

Why does summer school suck?

Because summer school doesn't really teach you exactly what you school wants. If you go to summer school than they will teach differently from what is taught by your teacher and you will be confused afterwards.

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This comes out in summer 2012,maybe starts in June 29,2012.Because that day is the first day of Summer Holiday.But I'm not really sure.

What is a website to tell if your kid is going to summer school?

There may not or maybe a website telling you if your child is going to summer school or not but usually the teacher hands out a letter at the end of the school year telling that your child is going to summer school

If you work for a school cafeteria in Florida do you qualify for unemployment in the summer?

you maybe can but Iā€™m not that sure

Is there going to be a Phineas and ferb episode where it shows them go back to school?

No they didn't, in the show Phineas and Ferb are on Summer Vacation so it doesn't show what school they go to. In their theme song it says that there are 104 days of summer vacation meaning that they have around three months off of school for summer vacation.

What happens when you fail high school finals?

It depends on how bad you did and the school: If you are in the middle of good and bad then maybe nothing will happen. If you did fairly bad then maybe summer school. If you did worst then that then you may be held back a year. But if you did as bad as bad can be then you have to be ready for summer school.

Why does your face break out as soon as school starts?

It may happen because you stress when you've gotta start preparing for important things. It can be puberty too. Or maybe it just comes from your family.

Why cant you get your middle school schedule on internet?

Maybe because your school does not put them on the internet

How do you say maybe next summer in Slovenian?

maybe next summer- mogoče naslednje poletje

If a guy says you are still on your work in school and starts to laugh does it mean he is teasing you then he says what options are you taking for school does he likes me?

maybe he might flirting with, or just into you kinda

Why would kids skip school?

because maybe they don't like it or maybe some kids have bullied them.....