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It may be a reaction to the metal, rejection, inflammation from the wrong size or type of jewelry. Go see your piercer so that they can find out for you.

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Q: What does it mean if after 4 months you got your lip pierced and now there is a lump near the piercing on the inside of your mouth......?
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Can you get a vertical labret piercing in an existing labret pierced?

No. Vertical labrets don't touch the inside of your mouth at all. The holes wouldn't match up.

What is oral piercing?

Oral means mouth so basically getting your tongue or your lip or even cheek pierced.

Can alcohol peroxside clean a tong piercing?

i wouldn't clean a tongue piercing with peroxide. when you first get your tongue pierced you're suppose to clean it with antiseptic mouth wash and you are suppose to drink liquids for a whole week when you first get it pierced.

Could a line-like scar in the mouth be from a lip piercing?

A line maybe if it were torn out of the lip. was your lip ever pierced?

Does it matter where you get your lip pierced at?

No, it doesn't matter where you get your lip pierced at persay but I personally think that piercing your lip looks absolutely disgusting but if you do decide to get it done get it done on the side of your lip near the corner of your mouth:)

What side of a snake bite piercing do you unscrew?

Usually the side that's not inside your mouth.

Can you eat dairy after getting your lip pierced?

Yes, you just need to rinse your mouth out with listerine after every time you eat anything with a new piercing like the lip, marylin monroe piercing, labret, or tounge.

What to put to help heal your lip piercing fast?

Salt water or saline solution on the outside of the lip around the piercing. Alcohol-free mouthwash on the inside of the mouth around the piercing

What do you do if a new piercing is swollen?

visit your ear piercing salon where you got it pierced and if they can't do anything to help then they will refer you to your GP so visit your doctor and he/she will tell you what to do. Swelling is not uncommon with some piercings, this can be due to the type of piercing and the location of the piercing. Oral piercings around the mouth will swell this is due to the nature of the tissue that was pierced. Eyebrow piercings can swell and even bruise, this is not uncommon again due to the nature of the tissue being pierced. Your aftercare guide should instruct you on how to treat localized swelling for the piercing you have. Ultimately if you are in doubt if the swelling is normal go back and see your piercer.

How long does it take for a piercing to close just after getting a piercing?

a few days or just overnight it actually really depends on the piercing. A lip or tongue piercing will begin to close almost immediately if it was pierced very recently(within a month-ish of being pierced) However everyone is different but the mouth is known to be the quickest healing of the human body. Ear lobes Vs ear cartilage piercing will differ as well. A lobe will heal faster than cartilage because cartilage takes longer to develop. So it really depends on your body type and what type of piercing.

Can I sleep on my side after a tongue piercing?

Yes, it is safe to sleep on your side after having your tongue pierced. However, it may not be a comfortable position because of the way the bar might press into the roof of your mouth.

What is so bad about using mouth wash with alcohol after getting your toungue pierced?

Continued use of alcohol will interfere with the body's ability to form new skin, which is the goal of the healing process after piercing.