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Your body is getting rid of older blood that your body did not get rid of last cycle, or that took longer than normal to get through the cervical canal.

It can be indicative of many things:

Latent low-lying bacterial infection in the reproductive tract (see

Low progesterone




'Normal' (all things are relative, so be wary of this suggestion.)

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12y ago
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9y ago

Depending on the length of time you have this spotting, you could be experiencing what is called, implantation bleeding. But from my experience, this could also be the early signs of a missed miscarriage. Many women don't realize this happens to more than 25% of the population. If the bleeding continues, I would see a doctor. ...

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15y ago

== == Yes, it is possible you are pregnant if your period is late and you have spotting, but the only way to know for sure is to take a test. If you can't afford one, try getting an appointment at a local clinic such as planned parenthood.

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17y ago

brown and stinky is gonnorhea see doctor Joymaker rn

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16y ago

Yes this is usually called implantation,after you conceive if not get it checked out

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13y ago

No, you can also be spotting when you ovulate.

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18y ago

Yes you could be pregnant.

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13y ago

your about to get your period soon

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Q: What does it mean if you are not on your period but you see brown spotting?
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What does it mean when you wipe and see brown blood but then it stops?

This is spotting, it's light bleeding that has mixed with your discharge. This can occur at the start of end of your period, or it may be spotting for another reason such as ovulation spotting.

When you start your period if you have brown spotting do you count that as the first day of your cycle or do you wait till you see bright red blood?

any sort of spotting either before or after is considered to be your period.

Your period is down but you only see blood when you wipe yourself?

Is the blood red or like a brownish color???? because if its brown you are spotting and its not your period

If you see your period for only two days what do that mean?

it is fairly common. it's called spotting.

What could be wrong if you had a big clot then brown spotting before your period then had a light period and tested negative for pregnancy then started having fever and elevated lymphocytes?

You could have an infection and it's time to see a doctor. This does not mean you are pregnant or have cancer!

What is brown discharge and no period?

This is actually really common, if you havn't started yet and you are experiencing this, then you are likely to start very soon. If you have started and this is happening, then I wouldn't worry too much, it's just probably dried blood or your having a very light period.

What color discharge do you get before your period?

Your discharge would be white before menstruation.You may also experience spotting so see brown or pink discharge.

Blood spotting on period could you be pregnant?

Sometimes women have implantation spotting that they confuse with their period. You should take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant.

18 days late but was like a brown color when come on wand only lasted 3days what does this mean?

Take a urine pregnancy test, but I think you just had a light period and if it's one time, it's normal. If the next three are just brown spotting, see a doctor.

What does spotting look like?

Spotting is what happens when just a little of the menstrual blood comes out in the middle of your cycle(when you're not expecting a period at all) or it is a sign that your normal flow is about to begin. Spotting is usually light in color, and doesn't require a hefty sized napkin to clean up. But I am on birth control and I am actually expecting to be on my period and it is very light in color and only lasted for one day. is there something wrong? Am i pregnant? I shouldn't be, or is it not healthy for me to take this birth control anymore?

What does it mean if you have 5 days brown spotting then in a six days you are having a heavy blood?

A heavy bleed sounds like a miscarriage. See your doctor.

What does this mean my last period i was spotting light red pink for 2 weeks when my period only last 5 to 6 days and now my period came a week early and im spotting brown whit cramps is this normall?

go to your doctor immediately. that's not right or healthy. Don't panic. There are many reasons that this could happen including hormones went out of whack this month or pregnancy. You should definitely see a doctor.