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if you bleed after sex it might be because your a virgin and your not used to having a penis go up into a region of the vagina that your finger couldn't reach. or, its probably because the penis was too big for your vagina and it hit the uterus which caused bleeding

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Q: What does it mean if you bleed a little after sex?
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well .... I've never had sex before but from what i heard when you first have sex (for the first time) you bleed meaning you lost your virginity so yea that means you popped your cherry

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Well if you've had sex, you're not a virgin. If you bleed after sex, he's probably doing it too hard.

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yes! is very sexy and nice..good job for bleed during sex!

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nooo. its mean he gave it to u too hard stoopid. hi miaaa!

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Change diet. increase iron and fiber intake See a doctor.

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it is totally normal for you to bleed after peeing after sex, you obviouslly do it too much or he has just hit a certain spot and it makes you bleed, totally normal.

Does it means that because a virgin's virgina stretched but did not tear that's why she did not bleed at first sex?

It's very common for women not to bleed at first sex, don't fret about it.

What does it mean when you bleed hours after sex if you were a virgin?

Usually a female bleeds after initial sexual intercourse because the hymen has been damaged or broken.