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Dreams about one's mother are quite common. The mother is the most important person in the world to the infant and young child, and so forms the basis for our earliest awareness of others beyond the self. Because every human being was once an infant, every human being carries fundamental memories of the mother in the subconscious mind. These memories are carried through life, and appear in both casual and significant dreams.

It is impossible to give a single meaning to dreams about the mother. Often they represent a longing for safety and comfort. Or, they could represent a longing for female affection. Yet another meaning is that the dream mother represents an aspect of the dreamer's personality that is parental, caring and responsible. That dream mother might represent a need for the dreamer to take better care of her/himself.

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12y ago

There are too many possibilities to provide a meaningful answer. The dreamer might be away from home and missing the family, or the dreamer might be confronting adult decisions that were previously made by parents, or the aroma of cinnamon cookies might have triggered memories of Mom's kitchen. The real meaning of the dream depends on many factors including the emotional tone of the dream, the dreamer's relationship with Mom, and the dreamer's particular memories and experiences.

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10y ago

It could mean that you miss your mom or that something during your day brought her to your mind, perhaps without your being aware of the thought. Your dream does not mean that your mom was thinking or dreaming about you, although it does provide an excellent excuse to pick up the phone and chat with her.

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11y ago

Depending on the dreamer's age and real-life situation, the dream might suggest that it is time to rely on one's self rather than being dependent on parents or other parental figures.

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