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This dream image is unusual and interesting, but it probably suggests some sort of visual impairment. This should be understood metaphorically, as difficulty in perception or understanding.

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Q: What does it mean if you dream of hair growing from you eyeball?
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If a person dreams about hair growing out of their tongue; hair represents some form of knowledge and the tongue represents a person talking too much. On one hand it could be that you are sharing valuble information with people, or it could mean that you are sharing your personal business or talking too much.

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This dream might express some subconscious feelings about your appearance. Depending on your age, gender, and family attitudes toward facial hair, it might indicate discomfort with hair growing on your chin, neck or elsewhere on your face.

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Dreams about plants growing out of your hair can symbolize personal growth, vitality, and creativity. It may suggest that you are experiencing a period of transformation or self-discovery. Additionally, the dream could represent a desire for nourishment and connection with nature.

When your hair itches does that mean its growing?

it means u have some kind of bug in your hair it DOES NOT mean its growing WHATSO EVER It could just mean your scalp is either oily, dry, itchy, or you have lice. No, it doesn't mean your hair is growing (even though it is)

What does it mean to dream of plants growing on you?

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Is cutting your hair good?

Yes.cutting your hair is good

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every dream has no meaning that is all your mind but sometimes it can has a meaning

What happens when you have a dream that your hair falls off?

what does it mean when your hair falls off and your completely bold

What does it mean when you dream of dying your hair black?

I had the same dream last night but it freaked me out even though i did have black hair three years ago

What does cat hair on stockings in a dream mean?

It means that you have dreamed of cat hair on stockings. Dream interpretation is personal; what matters, what is important, is what the imagery means to you.

What does it mean to grow in a dream?

It means that you are growing mentally. Because dreams are all related to the mind. Your mind might be growing.