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That's a somewhat difficult dream to interpret. If he was your current boyfriend, then I'd say you're probably having insecurities about your relationship. But since it's an ex, the only explanation I can think of is maybe you still have feelings for him. Or it could just be

your subconscious telling you he's a jerk.

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Q: What does it mean if you dream of someone being rude to you?
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When a person says someone is rude, they mean they are being offensive. This is largely frowned upon in most societies and can lead to altercations between parties.

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The Jamaican word Borosie means that someone is being rude, cheeky, or just out of order. Borosie would be like calling someone rude or even a jerk!

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What should I do if people are mean?

you can do many things. ignore them. Tell them that their being rude and need to stop. you can tell someone about it.

If you say that someone is rude are you being rude?

well it depends, sometimes yes sometimes no but most of all yesactually it couldnt be rude to me unless u were being mean first. in my opinion u shouldn't even say stuff like that it could make the person feel sad.

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It means to be very rude to a certain person.

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Rude as in being mean or so.EX: He was so rude, by talking very loudly at the wedding.

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If someone is acting catty, it means they are going out of their way to be rude or to hurt someoneâ??s feelings. This usually includes saying mean things.

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