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Dreams are kind of a random assortment of things that have entered our subconscious and could have a variety of meanings but a possibility I would consider is that you have a subconscious feeling that you are repeatedly developing attachments that are quickly lost.

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13y ago

The meaning of this dream might depend on the dreamer's emotions during the dream. If it seemed silly and light-hearted, then cutting off the toe could have been a play on words, such as "Cut it out," or "Toe the line" combined with "cut on the dotted line." If the emotions in the dream were terror and pain, then the interpretation must be more serious. In that case, the toe might represent losing a part of your self, perhaps a self-sacrifice that will not kill but will cripple. Or it might represent a threat commonly heard from angry relatives, "You'll be cut off!"

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10y ago

It means that you have been careless. Something that you have done (or that you are about to do) will have unexpected consequences that could be easily avoided. The toes represent a part of your life that is not crucial but can be very painful, nonetheless.

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