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Dreams of cats have multiple meanings. Cats are known as familiars, and are our escorts into the unconscious. To a woman, a cat can represent her archetype of intuition (the witch archetype). To a man, the cat could symbolize his inner female, known as the Anima.

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Q: What does it mean if you dream you are kissing a cat?
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My cat is squealing while he sleeps. What does it mean is he in pain?

My kitty just did that but was twitching at the same time while she was sleeping. I think its a bad dream or something.

What does it mean when you dream of black cat?

Dreams of cats have multiple meanings. Cats are known as familiars, and are our escorts into the unconscious. To a woman, a cat can represent her archetype of intuition (the witch archetype). To a man, the cat could symbolize his inner female, known as the Anima. Your dream shows you are refusing to integrate this new aspect(s). This will cause you trouble down the road.

What does it mean when you dream cats half human?

There is a transition going on in the dreamer. The dream is symbolic, and means birth. Dreams of cats have multiple meanings. Cats are known as familiars, and are our escorts into the unconscious. To a woman, a cat can represent her archetype of intuition (the witch archetype). To a man, the cat could symbolize his inner female, known as the Anima. Your dream signifies that some unconscious aspect is being accepted and integrated into your day to day personality.

When you dream that your cat is eaten by fox?

It means logic has conquered instinct.

What does it mean to be bitten by two cats in a dream?

Dreams of cats have multiple meanings. Cats are known as familiars, and are our escorts into the unconscious. To a woman, a cat can represent her archetype of intuition (the witch archetype). To a man, the cat could symbolize his inner female, known as the Anima. Your dream shows that there is a disconnect between you and some aspect of yourself.

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it means that your in love.

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What is mean this '?

Well it depends on what you dream of. If you dream of kissing a girl (Atomic Betty), well then it might mean you are in love.

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It means you have strange fantasies...

What does it mean if you dream about the guy you used to like kissing you on the lips?

The dream could express remaining emotional ties with the guy.

What does it mean when you kiss a person you do not know in a dream?

Kissing a person dream indicated hidden stimulation which gets manipulated in dreams,

What does it mean when you dream about kissing a guy in your room?

When interpreting a dream, it is best done by the person who had the dream since every symbol may be slightly different due to different influences in our lives. To dream of kissing means love, affection or harmony. Not more can be said without knowing the rest of your dream.

What does it mean to dream of kissing a guy you don't like?

This dream might illustrate the dreamer's feelings about a situation in which she has to do something very unpleasant.

What does it mean when you dream of kissing holding hands and hugging the your dating?

This dream suggests that the dreamer would like the relationship to develop into a romance.

What does it mean to dream about a cat on fire?

it means to get drunk

What does it mean if you see a cat in a dream?

Bad Luck

What are the ratings and certificates for Kissing a Dream - 1996?

Kissing a Dream - 1996 is rated/received certificates of: USA:R