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Dreams of the world ending are very common and have alarmed dreamers for many thousands of years. Warfare, earthquakes, floods, and unusual weather all cause intense fear and uncertainty which in turn influence dreams. The dreamer's own beliefs, anxieties and religious or cultural traditions often appear and lend credibility to the dream in spite of most traditions' warning not to believe such things. These dreams are not accurate predictions of any impending catastrophe, but they consistently cause embarrassment to those who take them too seriously.

I doesn't mean anything

Dreams are made up of imagery that means something to the individual dreaming it. The images represent things in our subconscious that we haven't faced or haven't resolved in our waking hours. How you feel about 'the world ending' in the dream is how you feel about something in your real life; only you know. Was it scary, was it exciting, was it interesting, was it foreboding; connect it to how you really feel about something real and you will know what your dream meant.

Dreams are very hard to decipher. If you're worried your dream means something you should probably calm down. Dreams can mean many things, they can symbolize things, and most likely you have been hearing news about the world ending which could give you a phobia then cause your dream.

Dreams are nearly always about the dreamer, and catastrophic events seen in dreams symbolize upheaval in the dreamer's life. "The end of the world" can represent the end of one stage of the dreamer's life, such as the end of student life upon graduation, or the end of leisure when a new job begins.

It means you had a dream and are trying to look for some deeper meaning that doesn't exist.

There are many solid, researched and peer reviewed medical and scientific papers discussing theories on why we dream. Psychosomatic theory, continual-activation theory, dreams as resonance in neural circuits, dreams as excitations of long-term memory and activation synthesis theory are but a few.

What's clear is that dreams cannot foresee the future and many times dreams don't mean anything at all.

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11y ago
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12y ago

This question is posted early on New Year's Day of 2012, suggesting that the dreamer has been influenced by rumors of ancient Mayan prophecies about the world coming to a end. The change from one calendar year to the next never fails to trigger fears about the end of the world, and such dreams are very common. They have no value as far as predicting the future. For the individual dreamer, "end of the world" dreams represent some significant change in the dreamer's personal life, such as the end of childhood, moving out of the parent's home, or the transition from one stage of life to another: marriage, childbirth, graduation, job change, etc. It also means that you are afraid that the world will end.

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11y ago

.I think it just means that your scared of it happening.

Dreams of the end of the world generally correspond with the conclusion of something significant in the dreamer's life. It might be graduation, which is the end of student life, or merely the end of summer vacation. Divorce, the death of a loved one, or a move to a new home can trigger similar dreams. Alternatively, the dream could express nothing more than the emotional impact of an action adventure movie or thrilling video game.

It means your worried about what will happen next in your life.

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13y ago

There are about a dozen solid, researched and peer reviewed medical and scientific theories on why we dream. Psychosomatic theory, continual-activation theory, dreams as resonance in neural circuits, dreams as excitations of long-term memory and activation synthesis theory are but a few.

What's clear is that dreams cannot foresee the future and many times dreams don't mean anything at all.

A different response:

Even when dreams seem to reflect world-wide, catastrophic events, at the root the dream is about the dreamer. In this case, something in the dreamer's life feels as if it is bringing the familiar, comfortable world to an end. It could be something huge, such as the loss of a family member, or something relatively minor yet important to the dreamer, such as changing schools or starting (or losing) a job.


The above is answered in the revealed theories I posited already. But thanks.

Again. Dreams mean very little.

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9y ago

To dream about the end of the world is an indicator that you are under extreme stress. You should try to find ways to relax before bed to avoid these dreams.

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