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you must brush your teeth you gross unhygienic little bugger! brush your teeth right now!

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Q: What does it mean if you have a line on the bottom of your tongue?
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What does the line on your tongue mean?

The line of your tongue is there because when the body is forming it is split into sections. The line shows where the face sections came together.

What does the bottom line mean?

i think it means when you is done it is the bottom of the line

What happens if there is a purple line on your tongue?

Is it on the bottom side of your tongue? That's one of the veins that delivers blood to your tongue. The blue coloring of your vein appears purple through the pink coloring of your tongue.

Is the top of the tongue lateral ventral dorsal facial surface?

Yes. Ventral can mean closer to the abdomen, below or the bottom surface of an object such as ventral surface of the tongue (bottom side).

Something on the bottom of your tongue?

No, There are no taste buds on the bottom of your tongue !

What does bottom line mean?

Bottom Line The last line of a company's profit and loss ledger sheet. The bottom line usually refers to the net profit or loss of a company at any given time. The bottom line is a figurative term meaning "the basic information," "the essentials," as in "What's the bottom line of this situation?"

Do they pierce your tongue from the bottom or top?

The Bottom

What does bottom mean?

Bottom Line The last line of a company's profit and loss ledger sheet. The bottom line usually refers to the net profit or loss of a company at any given time. The bottom line is a figurative term meaning "the basic information," "the essentials," as in "What's the bottom line of this situation?"

What does the idiom the bottom of the line mean?

"The bottom line" is an idiom that means the final result and comes from the line in a financial statement that shows net income or loss.

Where on your tongue is your sweet taste bud?

the bottom of your tongue if i remember my science class correctly.. the tip. yeah it the bottom

What does the acronym BLUF mean?

Bottom Line Up Front

Why are the veins on the bottom of a tongue black?

The veins under the tongue often look really dark in color. The reason for this is because the skin under the tongue is very thin.