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Thank god and be happy I didn't have nausea or vomiting and I had a perfect pregnancy

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Q: What does it mean if you have all the pregnancy symptoms but not nausea?
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Can headaches dizziness and nausea mean that I'm pregnant?

Yes, they are all pregnancy symptoms. However, they are all also symptoms that your period is going to arrive soon. If you don't get your period and there's a chance you could be pregnant, you should take a pregnancy test

What are the symptoms if the girl is fragnant?

There are many symptoms of pregnancy but a girl may not have all of them. Some of the most obvious signs of pregnancy include a missed period, tender breasts and nausea. The only way to know for sure if the girl is pregnant or not, is to take a pregnancy test.

What are the symptoms of 8 weeks pregnancy?

Morning sickness... Also eating foods you wouldn't usually eat (Ex. Pickles and ranch dressing) I know I may not have it all, wiki pregnancy and all the symptoms should pop up.

Does bleeding with all the symptoms of pregnancy mean a miscarriage?

No it doesn't necessarily mean you will miscarry but all bleeding during pregnancy needs to be evaluated by a doctor.

If a girl experiences tiredness and food cravings and weight gain and frequesnt urination but not that much more frequent than usual but not nausea and does not think she is pregnant is she pregnant?

With all these possible symptoms of pregnancy, if the girl is sexually active it would be wise for her to take a pregnancy test. Not everyone suffers nausea with pregnancy.

What are the signs of pregnancy in early days before a missed period?

Pregnancy symptoms vary from person to person. Some people experience no symptoms at all before a missed period. Some women experience symptoms such as fatigue, nausea or breast tenderness. Pay attention to your body, and take a pregnancy test on the first day of your missed period.

What is nausea in pregnancy?

It is all your hormones being out of whack. The levels are all off during your pregnancy

How long after conception do you start feeling the effects of pregnancy?

All women are different, some claim to have symptoms a few days after. Typically around a week after you can experience symptoms such as cramping. This is due to implantation of the egg occurring. Other symptoms of early pregnancy include headaches, bloating, fatigue and nausea. I hope this helps :)

Are cramps tightening of the stomach heartburn headaches and strong emotions symptoms of pregnancy?

They were symptoms of my pregnancy, but just because you're experiencing these symptoms does not mean that you are pregnant. They can also be symptoms of being overly stressed which can also affect your period. Well heartburn is definatley a symptom of pregnancy. As you do not get heartburn from stress! Actually all those symptoms are a symptom of pregnancy.

Is the loss of appetite and nausea signs of pregnancy?

Loss of appetite can mean a lot of things but is very uncommon in pregnancy, but than again everyone is different. And nausea is one of the signs in pregnancy and there is more but I think it is best to take a pregnancy test to find out for sure if you are pregnant. I hope this helps and all the best xxx

Can you eat clementines during pregnancy?

m I pregnant?" is probably the most common health question women ask. It can be confusing, as every pregnancy is different -- meaning, you may not have the same symptoms from one pregnancy to another. For example, during one pregnancy, you may experience incredible breast pain or nausea and vomiting, while during another pregnancy, you might not experience these symptoms at all. That said, there are some common signs and symptoms that may indicate pregnancy.estore..he

Does Vaginal discharge and stomach aches 5 days after sex mean pregnancy.. Or is this all just caused by nerves?

You're symptoms of pregnancy include: missed period, fatigue, swollen and or tender breasts, mood swings, flu like symptoms, nausea, implantation bleeding (slightly different than a period) etc. Not all women will experience pregnancy symptoms so if you do suspect you might be pregnant, you should take a test rather than relying solely on symptoms. Not all women will experience a missed period during the first few weeks of pregnancy, so again, it is important to use other determinations of pregnancy other than symptoms. It is important for you to confirm your pregnancy as soon as possible to ensure the proper care and safety of you and your new baby. Most of these symptoms will start about two weeks after the first day of your missed period. Here is a link to a website that will calculate the probability of your pregnancy: