

What does it mean if you have feelings to the same sex?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Being gay is not a bad thing.

People judge, but people will judge straight people too.

Let your feelings out.

Be happy with whoever makes you happy.

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Q: What does it mean if you have feelings to the same sex?
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You say had. Is this in the past? Does that mean you have straight crushes most of the time or right now? Gay people sometimes have a straight crush and sometimes straight people have feelings toward someone of the same sex. It is no big deal. The other 99% of the time, they have feelings toward one sex or the other. There are relatively few people who are truly bisexual. If you think that most of your feelings are toward people of the same sex, then you should seriously think that you might be gay. Otherwise, don't worry about it.

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Answer A first crush is the first time you have feelings for someone of the opposite sex.

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same geander for sex

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This is known as the Oedipus complex, a concept introduced by Sigmund Freud in psychoanalytic theory. It involves a child's unconscious desire for the parent of the opposite sex and jealousy towards the parent of the same sex.

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If someone is thinking romantic thoughts about the same sex then they may be a homosexual.

What does it mean if you're talking to the man your dating about your feelings and he starts talking about sex?

that he doesnt care about how you feel and all he wants is for you and him to have sexual intercourse It doesn't mean he doesn't care, but he does want to have sex

why not be gay?

It is not something you can decide. It is just that you develop (sexual) feelings for the same sex. This is not a problem at all. It does not hurt anybody.

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It dosent mean anything if you have a friend the diffrent sex.

What are there songs about?

Their songs are about sex and sexual feelings for the opposite sex.