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Well, to my knowledge, if the symptoms are just written without any proper history of the paitent, they may be catching a cold, eating bitter things cause that, or you have been attacked by foreign bodies (possibly bacteria).

Generally, whatever the case is, I recomend taking some antibiotics. amoxcillin 500mg 2 tablets per day. Wikianswers of course should no be held responsible and does not condone the taking of drugs without prior cosultation of a medical proffessional.

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1d ago

Prominent lingual tonsils refer to enlarged collections of lymphoid tissue at the back of the tongue. It can be a normal variation or indicate inflammation or infection. If you have concerns about your lingual tonsils, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and management.

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Q: What does it mean if you have prominent lingual tonsils?
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What tonsils are located at the back of the tongue?

lingual tonsils

What tonsils are located in the laryngopharynx?

Pharyngeal tonsils are located in the pharynx ( the throat.)

What does the tonsils do for the respiratory system?

Other than GALT as being diffuse lymphoid tissue, the tonsils are also part of it. We have 3 types of tonsils, palatine, lingual and pharyngeal. A prominent feature are the tonsilar crypts with increase surface area for immune cells to interact with antigen.

What are the tonsils located at the base of the tongue?

back of the throat next to the tongue but not attached

Besides the palatine tonsils what other tonsils do humans possess?

Humans also possess lingual tonsils at the base of the tongue and pharyngeal tonsils, commonly known as adenoids, located in the back of the throat. These tonsils, along with the palatine tonsils, are part of the lymphatic system and help protect the body against infections.

What is the function of the lingual frenulum?

The lingual frenulum is a band of tissue underneath the tongue that helps to anchor and stabilize the tongue to the floor of the mouth. It also plays a role in controlling the movements of the tongue during speech and swallowing.

Which lymphatic structures are located at the base of the tongue?

The lymphatic structures located at the base of the tongue are called lingual tonsils. These tonsils are responsible for helping to trap and fight off bacteria and viruses that enter the body through the mouth.

What are the three tonsils?

There are FIVE pairs of tonsils in the pharynx or throat, though the exact number will differ depending on the textbook:Nasal (lymphatic tissue in the nose)Adenoids/Pharangeal/Luschka (nasopharynx)Palatine (oropharynx)Tubal (pharynx side of the auditory tubes)Lingual (oropharynx)Note: the cerebellar tonsil is a structure in the brain.

Do people ever need their lingual tonsils out due to infection?


Where are lingual tonsils located?

Lingual tonsils are located at the base of the tongue, near the junction of the oral cavity and pharynx. They are a collection of lymphoid tissue that helps protect against infections.

Name seven passageways that penetrate the pharynx?

nasopharynx, entachain tubes, pharyngeal tonsils, oropharynx, palatine tonsils, lingual tonsils, laryngopharynxRead more: What_seven_passage_ways_lead_to_the_pharynx

What organs does not contain lymphatic tissue a. liver b. spleen c. lingual tonsils d. thymus e. pharyngeal tonsils?
