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He wants to move upstairs.

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Q: What does it mean if your boyfriend says he wants to step up your relationship?
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What does is mean when your boyfriend says they want you?

He could mean he loves you; he could mean he loves you and wants to have a sexual relationship or, he could simply want a sexual relationship with you. Don't be in too big a rush.

When your boyfriend says he wants nothing to do with you?

He's not your boyfriend anymore, for whatever reason he's ended the relationship.

What does it mean when someone says will you go out with me?

If mean she/he wants you as a girlfriend/boyfriend

What does it mean when your boyfriend says he wants to slow down?

he simply mean that he is tired of the girl! He might be having premature ejaculation and wants the sex to last longer. The relationship is going forward to fast and he wants to slow it down.

What do if your boyfriend says he wants to take things slower?

Hes getting tired of the relationship

What does it mean when your boyfriend says he wants a break to ease the tension and then start from scratch?

It means that he just wants to take time for himself to think about what he wants in your guys relationship. It doesnt't mean hes breaking up with you, he just needs a break.

What if your boyfriend breaks up with you in the middle of your relationship even though he says he loves an he is still in love with you but wants you to be friends?

It could mean that he's found someone else or he's uncomfterble with the stage of the relationship.

Ex boyfriend in relationship you talk he says let the relationship play out what does he mean?

He means he wants to be with you but he also wants to try something new out. So when you talk he's saying let the relationship play which in other terms means let me sleep with her a time or two and we can be back together.

What does it mean when a boy says you want out?

No longer wants attachment or relationship.

What does it mean when your girlfriend says where forever?

she wants to be with you forever/ your relationship is forever

What does it mean when a guy says he wants more than friendship?

When a guy says he wants more than friendship, it means he probably wants to be in a relationship.

What does it mean when a guys says I'm going to get with her?

It means he wants to be with her... He wants to be in a relationship with her. I guess he wants to ask her out if he said that.