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If it is mild and there are no other abnormalities it usually means nothing. It is more common for people of African descent. If it is severe or there are other abnormalities in the blood counts then it may be something to have further evaluated.

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Q: What does a drop in white blood cells mean?
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Do you have more red blood cells or white blood cells in your body?

You have more red blood cells in your body than white because white blood cells only tend to produce when your body is under pressure by pressure I mean an illness . Plus for each tiny drop of blood we have there are over 5 million red blood cells in side :)

What does it mean when you have white blood cells in urine?

White blood cells are indicative of an infection.

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do you mean white blood cells because everybody has thoughs.

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every living thing has white blood cells they kill viruses

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You Must mean White blood cells. White blood cells kill bacteria by first engulfing them, this process i believe is called phagocytocis. They literally eat the bacteria and digest it.

What do white blood cell mean?

The white blood cells are the blood cells in your body that consist of your immune system. If your white blood count is too low, it will be hard for you to fight infections.

What does it mean to have while cells show up in you urine?

White blood cells are usually not found in the urine due to the kidney. When there are white blood cells in the urine this if due to an infection. The kidney becomes inflamed and this allows the passing of white blood cells.

What does white blood cell count and differential mean?

A white blood cell (WBC) count determines the concentration of white blood cells in the patient's blood. A differential determines the percentage of each of the five types of mature white blood cells.

What contains digestive enzymes and is found in white blood cells?

I think you mean what contains digestive enzymes and white blood cells. If so then the answer is saliva

Where are killer cells formed?

If you mean white blood cells, then they are formed in the bone marrow.

What does the circulatory system makes cell that fight?

Possibly you mean the white blood cells. They are the cells in the blood that combat viruses.

What do the following letters mean on a urinalysis WBC?

White Blood Cells