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Repentance to God means feeling genuinely sorry for a sin that you committed against him. Repentance is not only expressing your regret for that sin, but also the turning away from bad and doing your very best to never allow it to happen again. The verb "repent" means "change one's mind with regard to a past action, or conduct, on account of regret or dissatisfaction." It is important to remember that since all of mankind are guilty of sin, all of us are in need of repentance at some point in time, if not many times. Genuine repentance certainly leads to true forgiveness from God. sins are not only committed against god but also against fellow human beings, we should also repent from these sins also, first asking the individual to forgive you then ask god to forgive you.

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Repentance to God means recognizing and acknowledging one's sins or wrongdoing, feeling remorseful for those actions, and making a genuine effort to change and turn away from those behaviors. It involves seeking forgiveness from God and striving to live a life more aligned with His teachings and values.

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What does God will Increase mean?

god will increase means the best person in the worldAnother response:When used in Scripture, the phrase "God will increase" usually has an object, such as, "God will increase the fruits of your righteousness..." 2 Corinthians 9:10. It may mean multiply, in the sense of providing numerically more of the object, or greater frequency or greater strength.If the context suggests that God is the one that is increasing, it would mean that God is gaining in reputation. That is, multitudes who had not honored God would give to God that honor.

What does the name Azariah mean?

Azariah is a Hebrew name that means "helped by God" or "God has helped." It is a biblical name borne by several characters in the Old Testament.

What dose TGIF mean?

TGIF stands for "Thank God It's Friday." It is an expression used to celebrate the end of the workweek and the arrival of the weekend.

What does the name reuel mean?

The name Reuel is of Hebrew origin and means "friend of God" or "God is my friend." It is also associated with wisdom and divine guidance.

What si god?

I have "SI GOD" as my vanity plate on my car and I get questions about it daily. Si is pronounced "see", so "si god" can mean "see god". That is, we need to be able to see God. Where? Everywhere! I work with worship media and I believe some people are visual learners and I help them to see God. Also, "si" is Spanish for "yes". So, "si god" can mean "yes, God!". We need to say yes to God daily. We need to follow our creator.

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Dear, Continue to repent and ask God the allmighty to forgive you and always ask Him (may his name be glorified) to guide you and keep you steadfast on the straight path. God is all forgiving. Let's remember the greatness and glory of God and let's us not make asking forgivenes as a play/game. Imagine if we break the promises with our Bosses or our Masters, wouldn't we be ashamed; now how would it be like when we break our promises with the King of the kings (Allah) our Creator who had made us in the best form and showered upon us from his bounty and graces. So, always pray faithfully to God to facilitate your repentence and accept it and keep you guided and steadfast on the straight path of Islam. Also, accompany the righteous companions and take the righteous measures that helps you be guided such as always read the Quran, purify your dees to be for the sake of God alone and not for the materialistic gains of this life. God bless

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