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By praying, looking to God first for every situation. Loving him and others, and serving them. As well as doing whatever God has planned for you. Reading your bible, and worshiping him. Speak to God, as well as listen to him.

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Q: What does it mean to commit your life to God?
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What is the difference to commit to god and committed to god?

"To commit to god" is that you have to yet commit your ways to the favour of god and his likings. It is that you have to change your way of life or your choice for God's choice in your life. Whereas "Committed to God" refers to a life which already walks according to the path and will of God. He or she has submitted his or her complete life to The Eternal One and only looks forward to the purpose of God in his or her life.

Is suicide a mortal sin and apparently go to hell?

Firstly life isgods gift, not meant to be ended by suicide.It takes courage to commit suicide , but only cowards commit suicide, do not throw this life so easily . God gives life and god takes life. Those who commit suicide will go to hell.

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When you commit You are giving the other trust, love, care, your life together and the fact that youwill always be there for him or her.

What does it mean to use gods name in?

It means like if you say [ouh my god] , or [jesus christ you have to be kidding me

How are you supposed to live your life in Hinduism?

you are not supposed to commit violence, be grateful for what you have. Help those in need, and always worship God.

What does Oath of God mean?

if you mean the salvation payer then its giving you life to god and trusting in him.

What crimes do people that do not believe in God comment?

everyone has the potential to commit any crimes, believers or not, anyone and everyone can commit the same exact crime as the disrespect to anyone but just because someone believes in god doesnt mean they dont or can not commit a crime..face it, having fun has way to many consiquences

What does tgfl mean?

Thank God For Life

What does it mean to give your life to God?

It means to surrender to God , and obey him only.

What does apu's last name mean?

It does not mean anything. For God's sake: get a life.

What if you commit a crime but it wasnt you?

Then you did not commit a crime. I assume you mean, "What do you do if you are charged with a crime you did not commit?" The answer is, "You get a lawyer."

Which god represented supreme god?

That depends what religionChristianitythere is only one God and he is loving and kind.... a long time ago he let his only son Jesus Christ be born by a virgin then lived a perfect life and died so we can be forgiven of our sins and we can still be forgiven today if you commit your life to Christ!!