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Q: What does it mean to describe the main arguments?
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The arguments used to justify and oppose secession

What does the body in a political speech do?

to give the details or arguments that support the main idea

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The main arguments explained how people wanted Independence and Republic from Great Britain.

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How do you describe a introduction?

An introduction is a brief section at the beginning of a piece of writing that sets the tone, presents the topic, and outlines the main points or arguments that will be discussed in the main body of the text. It serves to grab the reader's attention and provide a roadmap for what is to come.

What does substanisive mean?

"Substantive" refers to something that is essential, real, or meaningful. It is often used to describe information, arguments, or discussions that are substantial and significant rather than superficial or trivial.

What is the main purpose of arguments?

you get mad at someone and start fighting?!

What is the main purpose of a political speech?

To give the details or arguments, that supports the main idea. to persuade

What is the purpose of an arguments introduction?

(Apex) To establish the main points of the argument.

What were the main arguments of the Patriot?

they wanted life liberty and the pursuit of happiness

What does restate main points mean?

Restating main points refers to summarizing or repeating the key ideas or arguments that have been presented in a speech, presentation, or written work. It helps reinforce the main message and ensure that the audience or reader grasps the critical information.