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It means that you are thinking about her. You probably just need to talk to her and make sure there are know secrets you don't know about each other. It does NOT mean she is dying, just that there are some problems in your relationship.

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13y ago

Dreams are almost always about the dreamer, so dreaming about someone else's death represents, not that person's death, but something about the dreamer's relationship with that person. Young children are entirely dependent on their mother, but slowly become more independent with maturity. It is not unusual for adolescents and young adults to dream of a parent's death; such dreams represent the end of the parent's control and the dreamer's new responsibility for her/himself.

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13y ago

Each person's dream is specific to that person. But very generally, some dreams about parents dying can symbolize the loss of parental authority and control in the dreamer's life, usually because the dreamer is maturing and gaining independence.

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i always believe that our dreams while asleep has something to do with our waking life. maybe, you are really having a problem with your dad and you're afraid to lose your mom or it's your weakness to lose your mom ever. It can be that you know something your dad is doing that will hurt your mom when she get to know it.

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